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Safe operation

Safe operation

The cleaning and maintenance of large crystal chandeliers must pay great attention to the safety of the workers, the safety of the working platform and the safety of the lamps. Generally only need to clean one or two times a year, you can keep the bright and new, glamorous good results.

Replace the light sources

Replace the light sources

During the cleaning, if the bulbs need to be replaced,we recommended to use a good quality and long service life to avoid the problem of rayless , which affects the appearance.

Crystal dust removal

Crystal dust removal

You can consider using high-quality crystals in stead of the low-grade crystal If there is no problem. At present, the high-quality crystal on the surface have a dust-proof treatment process, which is not easy to be dusted and has a good effect. Usually pay attention to avoid soot. The damage to the crystal lighting can keep the crystal clear and translucent.

Metal frame remake

Metal frame remake

A good quality gold-plated lamp metal frame can generally last for three to five years or longer without fading. Can be re-refurbished after three years then can see it’s new as before.

Periodic inspection

Periodic inspection

The safety and stability of luminaires hanging in important locations or crowds should be at the first. Headlights often weigh hundreds of kilograms, and if they fall, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, people should be regularly sent to inspect the embedded parts and load-bearing hooks hidden in the ceiling, to prevent aging and not notice, resulting in an accident.

Renewed on time

Renewed on time

If possible, to check the performance of the built-in wires at the same time. If it is sticky, it should be replaced to ensure safety.

Professional maintenance

Professional maintenance

Large-scale lamps, complicated lines (with dimming), it’s better to hire the professional lighting company's technical personnel to clean, maintain.It doesn’t cost not much, easy to repair and safe and reliable.

Kerosene cleaning

Kerosene cleaning

Due to the different quality of the crystal lamps, some lamps only need to use an anti-static dry cloth to wipe off the dust on the surface of the lighting. To avoid fingerprints when wiping, it is best to wear white cotton gloves. Can not be directly rubbed, the crystal lamp can be removed, soaked in kerosene, wipe the surface with a toothbrush, and after the surface dirt softens, wash with detergent.

Special cleaner

Special cleaner

Using the special cleaning to sprayed on the surface of the crystals. The floating dust of the crystal ball or the crystal wafer will be taken away as the liquid evaporates, which is simple, effective and quick.

Wipe the frame accessory

Wipe the frame accessory

Wipe with a soft cloth, do not touch water and alcohol, so as not to damage the protective film outside the plating layer, affecting the surface of the metal frame.

Replace the accessory

Replace the accessory

If there is a defect in the bead, it should be completed in time. The beaded connection buckle will be brittle and discolored, and it should be replaced in time.